PAPER 2 : The Adoption of PjBL into ePortfolio

This paper presents the adoption of Project-based Learning (PjBL) into the development of e-Portfolio assessment for higher education institution. The purpose of the study was to examine the adoption of PjBL as a learning strategy into the development of e-Portfolio. Initially, this paper was conducted as a preliminary study with a total number of 30 students who undergoing Bachelor of Art & Design Education and then practicing project-based in their coursework. The pilot study was conducted and showed the reliability coefficient with Cronbach’s alpha (a) is 0.9. The instrument was divided into five components which involved (1) student responsibility (2) instructor support (3) instructional methodology (4) course and instructor and (5) student interaction and collaboration, to measure the learners’ work preferences. The findings were reported that students are positively accepted the learning styles as an approach to developing their metacognitive process. This project-based learning will give learner’s an opportunity to face authentic and real-life situation. Therefore, project-based learning focused on the developmental process involving creativity to generate new ideas, solutions of problems, and self-actualization of individuals. At the end of the day, the project-based learning will not only benefit the facilitator, but the learners as a key referral of a competency and performance.

 Findings, Results and Conclusions

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